Family Program
The 8 Keys of Excellence family program enables families to participate in and benefit from the same valuable character education that millions of young people have received for more than 35 years in schools and SuperCamp learning and life skills programs.
Positive relationships with one’s family and a strong character core are critical factors in helping young people develop a sense of themselves, a positive outlook on life, goals and ambitions. The 8 Keys of Excellence family character development program benefits kids in two areas: their connectedness with family and their understanding of core life principles that will guide their decision-making and build their self-confidence.
In this 8-week family program, you receive a 20-30 minute family lesson once a week for that week’s Key. You can decide what works best for your weekly family get-togethers, such as a set day and time each week (e.g. Sunday after dinner) or a more flexible schedule from week to week.
Each week you will receive an email with a link to the Key-of-the-week’s web page. The page will contain the following content:
- Key story (in print and audio)
- Key definition
- Key affirmation (positive statements you can use to reinforce the Key’s core message; there are different affirmations for ages 4-7, 8-11, and 12 and up)
- Key activity (a short activity that lets everyone in your family experience and understand the power of the Key)
- Key reflection (your family is given a situation or a question to read relating to the week’s Key, which you reflect upon and discuss together)
- Key review (a review guide for the end of the week, including a link to a print-out of the week’s content)
When you register for the 8 Keys of Excellence family program, your login will take you to the password-protected family program portal within this website. In addition to being able to access your weekly Key pages, the portal also contains a wealth of 8 Keys resources, videos and a discussion board to interact with other families.
Get started by registering now!
Register for the Family Program
Sign up for our 8-week family character education program. It’s free! Register now >>
8 Keys of Excellence
Read the definitions and descriptions of all 8 Keys. 8 keys defined >>
SuperCamp Summer Enrichment
SuperCamp is the learning and life skills summer enrichment program for middle and high school students where the 8 Keys were introduced over 25 years ago.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you! Please call, email, fax, or write us today.
8 Keys of Excellence
Oceanside, CA 92054
[email protected]